Thursday, August 6, 2015

Why I HATE "Skinny Teas"

Greetings my lovelies!
The other day my very logical cousin texted me asking my opinion on one these "skinny teas". My cousin has always been the voice of reason when it came to the ridiculous diets I would go on in the past. She would say that they were unhealthy, and she was right. So when she was even considering these “Skinny Teas” I was shocked. In short, I told her to drink regular high quality green tea, and stick to eating right and exercising. These is the second part in my Social Media Health Frustrations. If you’re enjoying these type of posts let me know!  
False Advertising
What most people do not realize is that these tea companies send out their products to famous fitness instagram users to promote their products. 9/10 these fitness instagrammers are already kicking their butts in the gym and eat pretty clean. With this being said, these “skinny teas” are not the cause of their physique.It’s like taking someone with clear skin and having them advertise your acne product. They already have the end result and your product did not help them achieve that result
They have “dieting effects”
Whenever I hear the word diet I feel sick to the stomach. The whole process of eating significantly less, or taking things that constantly flush your system is not healthy. I have been there done that and it is not fun. Most, if not all of these teas suppress your appetite (not healthy), and have diuretic and laxative effects. If you are drinking enough water, and eating a plant based diet you do not need any of these effects. It is not natural let alone healthy. You will end up feeling weak from calorie restriction and will have a f*cked up digestive system from your body constantly flushing itself.
Nothing frustrates me more than seeing people spend their money on crappy gimmicky products. People throw their money at anything that promises weight loss. To justify their purchase they look at these before and after pics. Most of the time these before and after pictures are faked and the people in them are being sponsored by the company. If you really want a tea that will help your body I suggest buying a good quality green tea and drinking it throughout the day. You will save money and more importantly save your body!

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