Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Stash Premium Green Tea Review

This is the second post in this week's health product review series. If you like any of the products I review you can purchase them all on my amazon review page. If you have any product suggestions, or want me to review your product please contact me!

Why did I buy this?
Initially this green tea was an experiment for my 30 day belly fat challenge. I have always heard in the past that green tea helps to combat belly fat, so I wanted to test it out. 
The Good
I LOVE this tea. If you follow me on any social media, then you know that this tea is my new addiction. I have tried many green teas in the past, but this one has been my favorite by far. I drink 3 or more cups a day, and I have been doing so for the past 2 weeks now. It is able to cleanse your body without having you run to the bathroom every 5 seconds. I usually have to put some form of sweetener in my teas, but not with this one. It has a simple and pure taste to it. This tea has also helped me combat my perpetual bloating. I will do a blog on this in the future, but I bloat very easily, and for long periods of time. The only time I am not bloated is if I have not eaten for 10 or more hours, which really only happens when I wake up. If I drink this tea throughout the day it helps to digest my food, and it gets rid of my never ending food baby!!!

The Bad
I have few negative things to say about this tea. The only negative I can say about this tea potency. If you are a green tea advocate, you know that the potency of green tea is better the second and third time. What I mean by this is that the second and third brew are way stronger than the first. However, this could be a positive because most of the time I only have to use one tea bag per day!

The Ugly
I honestly can not find anything ugly about this tea!

Final Thoughts
No, I am not a sponsor for this tea, but I would be! I've bought all of this tea using my own money and I honestly adore it! Because of how it handles my seemingly perpetual bloating, its pure clean taste, the cost, and overall effectiveness, I am giving this tea a 10/10. This is probably the only time I will give a product a golden 10/10, but Stash Green Tea deserves it!

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